#escapes2021 International Online Conference
Mediterranean Crossings:
Refusal and Resistance in Uncertain Times
University of Milan, 24 – 26 June 2021
The Conference looks at the Mediterranean as a political, cultural and social space in which historical forms of connection and exchange have intersected with clashes, distances and fractures that now seem to take over. The scenario of violence and death resulting from the policies of containment and prevention of South-North mobility has claimed the lives of more than 36,000 men and women since the early 2000s, with increasingly high costs in terms of human suffering and human rights’ abuse.
The Mediterranean, however, and the multiple borders and memories that it touches – in, out and across Europe – have also become the sites where forms of disobedience, resistance and activism are increasingly carried out which enhance new forms of solidarity and action and strongly defy the current politics of refusal.
The Conference intends to promote a dialogue among researchers, activists, artists, students and interested people aimed at enhancing the interplay between different disciplines, perspectives and expressive languages in reflecting and acting on such web of entanglements. It is aimed at interrogating the emergence of mechanisms, legal provisions and policy decisions apt at deterring people from seeking safer harbour abroad and at delegitimizing their aspirations for decent living conditions, as well as the expansion of grey zones where distinctions between conventional categories and definitions have become gradually unclear. Particular focus will be placed on the patterns of resistance and action that, on the one hand, shed light on the grey zones where euphemism, ambivalence, refusal and violence converge and, on the other, promote a politics of voice which is made of different languages and expressive forms and, most crucially, reflects all the subjectivities involved.
Jointly organized by Escapes, Department of International, Legal, Historical-Political Studies, Department of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti”, AMM – Archive of migrant memories, and in cooperation with ITHACA-Interconnecting Histories and Archives for Migrant Agency: Entangled Narratives Across Europe and the Mediterranean Region (Horizon 2020 G.A. 101004539)
Scientific Committee: Carlo Caprioglio (University of Rome 3), Jean-Pierre Cassarino (College of Europe, Natolin Campus), Luca Ciabarri (University of Milan), Emanuela Dal Zotto (University of Pavia), Francesco Ferri (ASGI), Elena Fontanari (University of Milan), Gianluca Gatta (AMM – Archive of Migrant Memories), Lucia Gennari (ASGI), Ombretta Ingrascì (University of Milan), Chiara Marchetti (CIAC Onlus), Monica Massari (University of Milan), Barbara Pinelli (University of Rome 3), Martina Tazzioli (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Full program
#escapes2021 flyer .pdf
#escapes2021 plenaries and panels program .pdf
Book of abstracts
Call for Papers